Decorate your balcony, patio or the exterior walls of your house with this DIY project. It’s about setting up a vertical garden in a recycled wooden pallet. The project is simple, easy and, most importantly, very cheap. Let’s see what materials we need to create this vertical garden:
– A wooden pallet
– A piece of sandpaper (sandpaper) wood
– A piece of double cloth for mulching, twice the area surface of the wooden pallet
– An upholstery stapler
– A set of staples trim
– A large bag of quality soil quality
– 6 plants for each front opening of wooden pallets and 12 other annual flowers on top of it (you can plant only one variety of plants, but you can try to combine them to get a vertical garden full of colors.
6 easy steps to create a vertical garden
1. First of all, you have to look at the pallet not to be damaged. If a nail is missing, grab a hammer and fix the problem. Then, with the sandpaper polish the pallet until to get a smooth surface, pleasant by touch. You can leave it unpolished but you may risk pinch yourself when you’re wetting the flowers.
2. Fold the cloth in half and stapled it on the back, bottom and sides of the pallet (you’ll see in the photo gallery). Make sure that the fabric is clamped well otherwise the soil will dissipate when you place the pallet upright.
3. Start planting the flowers in the upper side. If you insist, gently, you’ll be able to squeeze all 12 seedlings in small opening at the top of the wooden pallet. As a suggestion: avoid running flowers on top and choose flowers and foliage that develops rich blooms when they reach maturity and a maximum height of 20-25 cm. For example, Browallia speciosa or Pumosa Celosia, commonly known as the Cock’s Comb.
4. Once completed the above flowerbed, start filling the pallet with soil, carefully slipping it through gaps between the wood slats, leaving little spaces for planting flowers. Finally, set the soil layer.
5. Now you can start planting seedlings as follows: place in each of the two openings from the bottom row of the pallet, six plants then using the next opening fill with soil the empty space under the wooden perch that comes above the first row of flowers. Repeat the same steps for the next lines.
6. Now you just need to lift the pallet and place it along the terrace wall and wait for your flowers to bloom.