Obviously you can use chemicals to keep under control pests and diseases in the garden or you can do this job without chemicals. Of course the second option is the wisest and the most normal choice and here are some tips, tricks and solutions.
Planning is the first step you need to do to keep out pests and diseases in the garden. You need to know exactly what your plans are, what works and what doesn’t work in your garden, depending on the quality and properties of soil, its moisten and soil permeability.
Don’t make an ambition to cultivate something that doesn’t go in your garden. Change crops each year and choose varieties adapted to your specific conditions. And remember, if some crops grew in your neighbors garden, that doesn’t mean necessarily have to work for you too.
Pricking early, generally, prevents disease and pests. Planting the soil, digging and weeding is the best step to have a clean and healthy garden.
The main causes of garden problems
1. Environmental conditions don’t correspond to your choices.
2. Plants receive too little water, too much sun or soil has an inappropriate pH.
3. Snails and aphids are the most common pests.
4. A few nutrients in the soil.
5. Soil is impermeable and dense.
6. Too little sunlight. This makes the plant leaves to be large, to overshadow the soil and this leads to mold and pests. Sun is often the cure of all evils.
Tracking crops. Whether it’s a small garden or a larger one, daily crops tracking is mandatory. A plant inspection is the best way to see when the problem arises. Identify the disease – a virus, fungi or bacteria and act immediately. Sometimes immediate slaughter of the attacked plant is the best way to halt the disease.
Bacterial infections leave brown or black spots, which are dead cells due to infection. Viruses come within the plant, such as ribs which will show where the problem is. Fungi are molds that will leave some marks on the leaves.
Diseased plants that have been slaughtered must be thrown out after they were isolated in plastic bags or newspaper print – don’t mix it in compost and don’t store it in the garden. Organic treatments should work with preventive role, because their effectiveness is limited so that they could remove the problem.