Ginger root is used worldwide in cuisine for its flavor and aroma. Moreover, this plant is also known for its medicinal properties, with antibacterial, antiviral and antioxidant effects.
This plant, so appreciated around the world can easily be grown in pots. Here’s how to do this.
You need:
-a fresh ginger root (you may find in supermarkets)
-a pot
Ginger roots, such as potatoes can sprout. If you already have one sprouted, the better, if not, all you have to do is to sink the root in a bowl with warm water for at least 3 hours.
Meanwhile, fill a pot with topsoil. Make sure you choose a soil that doesn’t retain too much water.
Place the ginger root in the ground and cover with soil. If ginger is already germinated, place it with the sprout above.
But you should know that ginger grows pretty hard, so you must have patience. It can take up to several weeks for the plant to sprout, but with special care in a few months you can enjoy a beautiful plant.
Placing the pot
The pot position is very important for the plant. You should keep in mind that ginger should be kept in a warm place, even in winter. At the same time, make sure that the plant isn’t placed directly in the sunlight, but it has enough natural light.
Frequent watering
Ginger needs a constantly moist soil but don’t over wet it. Make sure you put a drop of water daily. In summer it’s possible to water it twice a day.
In order not to excessively wet the plant is indicated to spray it with a spray bottle. When the plant grows, spray water onto its leaves because this plant loves moisture.
To stimulate its growth and enjoy a bushy plant, it’s recommended that every two or three months to add a natural fertilizer based on seaweed.
The best part of growing ginger is that you can enjoy its flavor and aroma in your preparations. When the plant is 4 months old, you can begin to cut small root pieces. For this, you must carefully remove some soil to reach the plant’s root and to cut as much as you need.