Effective Ways To Rid Your Garden Of Squirrels

Rodents are dreadful pests for your garden. Mice, rats, and squirrels can cause significant damage. That’s why it’s essential to find effective ways to get rid of them and keep them at a distance. Find out how to remove squirrels from your garden!

1. Install fences in affected areas

Squirrels feed on certain types of plants and prefer their particular parts – tubers, for example – so rodents can only act in a certain area of your garden. That’s why a fence (about 60 cm) around the affected perimeter or the entire garden, if any, should keep the squirrels away from your plants, provided you add wire mesh too.

Also, you can cover the planters and pots with chicken wire.

It is important, at the same time, to make sure that the fence has a height of at least 30 cm above the surface so that squirrels can not climb on it.

2. Inundate the underground galleries of poppers

Another way to get rid of, without resorting to toxic substances, is to flood the underground galleries. You will need a garden hose and a shovel. Make a hole until you reach the squirrels’ gallery, introduce the garden hose and let go of the water. Let the water flow for at least 15 minutes for the liquid to flood the gallery entirely (squirrels can build galleries even larger than 100 square meters).

While you wait for the water to flood the gallery, be careful about the holes that are drilled. If you see a rodent trying to escape, run quickly and hit it with the shovel at your fingertips.

3. Fumigation

Use a shovel to widen a borehole that has been dug out and clean it with debris. Then pour the aluminum pellets until they get inside the rodents gallery. Next, cover the holes very well as the ground to make sure the gas stays in the interior. Generally, this procedure is done by professionals, so do not hesitate to ask for the help of a specialist before trying fumigation by yourself.

4. Use rodenticides

You can get rid of the squirrels’ problem also by resorting to rodenticides, toxic chemicals for rodents. They come in various forms, acting differently on the pests.

Among others, there are warfarin-based anticoagulant rodenticides based on ATNU (alpha-naphthyl-thio-urea), based on furfuryl-hydramine, etc. As well, breathing rodenticides can be used in the form of gases such as hydrogen cyanide, sulfur dioxide, exotoxin or chloropicrin.

If you use rodenticides in powder form, they are to be applied inside the galleries as deep as possible with a metal spoon or a wooden spatula. The thickness of the applied rodenticide layer should be a maximum of 4 mm and a width of 30-40 cm. The dusting will continue to the outside of the galleries for a minimum distance of 30 cm.


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