The Best Methods To Take Care Of Your Indoor Succulents

Indoor succulents have become increasingly popular for two simple reasons: they are interesting because there are a few similar plants and are almost indestructible. Technically, a succulent plant is any plant with a stem, leaf or root that stores water. These plants have a rich number of adaptations to resist arid areas anywhere in the world, from Australia to North America. Keep reading this article and see the best methods to take care of your indoor succulents considering their light, temperature, water and humidity, soil and reproduction.

When talking about a group, juices include some of the most common plants such as aloe or agave, but besides these are many other obscure species. Cactuses are probably the most popular family of succulents in the whole genus, although new varieties and succulent species have emerged in trade. It is not important juicy species considering most live in similar conditions. Forget generalities in order to grow and develop your juices.


Succulents prefer strong light, at least 6-8 hours a day during the growing period. You can look at the leaves to see if they are exposed correctly. If they have small burns on the leaves or the stem means they are left too much in the sunlight. And when they do not get enough light the plants will stretch afterward and grow in the stem with a large space between the leaves. The best solution is to look for a better light and cut back to the original shape. We could point out that many succulent plants do very well in the garden during the summer.


Succulents are quite tolerant to cold even if we do not believe that. The oscillation between day and night in the desert is in contrast, and perhaps, for this reason, the juicy ones will enjoy the cooler nights and hotter days. Ideally, they will prefer day temperatures between 25-30 degrees and the night between 10-15 degrees.

Water and humidity

Contrary to popular beliefs, succulent plants should be watered much in growth periods. The soil should be allowed to dry between watering, but do not leave it too much without water. In autumn and winter, the plants will be in a state of latency, and then you can wet even once a month. If you exaggerate, it is likely that the plant will die. Beware, an excessively watered plant might look good and healthy even though the roots are rotting gradually. A succulent plant should never be left in the water. Below are signs of excessive watering or lack of water.

Excess water

Usually, excess wetted plants are soft and discolored. The leaves may be yellow or white, essentially with a visible discoloration. A plant in this condition can be beyond saving, but what you can do in this situation is to remove it from the pots and inspect the roots. If they are brown and rotten, you can cut the dead roots and replant them in a new dry soil. If you can not propagate from the saplings of the mature plant.

Too little water

Succulents prefer a lot of water in the growth stage (summer or spring). A plant that will not receive enough water will cease to grow and begin to lose leaves. Sometimes she can develop yellow or brown spots on the leaves.

From the point of view of humidity in the air, they normally prefer to have a fairly dry air, although in the period of growth if sprinkled on the leaves with the roots, they may grow better.


Succulents should be planted in a leaking soil. There are mixtures that are specially made for cacti and succulent plants. If you do not have this special mix, you can put a substrate of sand or perlite under the ground to allow oxygenation and drainage of water into the soil. These plants have superficial roots forming a rather dense carpet just below ground level.


When talking about succulents we introduce a genre that contains multiple families that are found in different environments around the globe. If we can not talk about plant reproduction conditions in seeds, we can discuss saplings growing at the base of the stem or at the wrist between the stem and a leaf. It is good that when we cut, the plant still has a stem node on top. In the case of cacti, we cut off those who grow hooked by the main strain. The seedlings will be planted in a compost mixed with sand, gravel or perlite. It is essential that the soil is as sterile and hot as possible. It is good to wait a day, two after you have cut it because the dead tissue is closed, which reduces the risk of the appearance of fungi. For many juicy species such as Sansiveria, Crassulaceea, and Kalanchoe, everything that is often needed is just a leaf with her stem cut from her mother’s plant and planted.

The best methods to take care of your indoor succulents

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