“How often do I have to wet or fertilize my indoor flowers?” is the question many people ask when they start indoor gardening. The correct answer, “Well, it depends …” is not a satisfactory response, nor is the “once a week” answer. However, this is not the only precise tip I can give when it comes to indoor flowers. Thus, keep reading and see the recommended rules and tips for watering and fertilizing indoor flowers.
1. The house in winter can be dry as a dessert. If that’s the case, the flowers need more water than in a hot and humid summer.
2. Also, flowers in small pots need to be watered more often than those in large pots, so smaller pots dry faster.
3. Although a blooming flower needs more water than usual, variations in water demand are not great. Except for cactus and succulent plants, most plants grow better in the soil that is constantly moist but not wet.
4. Watering flowers should be done whenever you feel the surface of the soil is dry, whether it is happening daily or weekly.
5. Moreover, water the flowers well, so the water can reach the bottom of the pot.
6. If you water the plant from the upside, be careful to put the shingles, gravel or other loose material on the bottom of the pot for a good drain.
7. This is not necessary when you water the flowers from the downside. For this, you can use a buffer (preferably one of glass fiber) to absorb water from the pot, keeping the soil moist.
8. Whether you water the plant up or downside, sometimes you should give it a sprinkle shower. Put the pot in a bucket or in the kitchen sink so that it stays halfway in the water. When the surface of the ground is moistened, remove the pot from the water and let the excess water drain. Then put the plant where you usually keep it. (During this time, it’s a good idea to sprinkle the leaves and clean them off). In any case, do not let the pot in the water for more than an hour. Too much water for a long time prevents oxygen from reaching the roots and the roots need oxygen.
9. For most plants (except for cactus and succulent plants) it is almost impossible to “drown” them if you have ensured a correct leakage.
10. A common mistake made by amateur gardeners is the over-fertilization of plants. Just a small amount of fertilizer will go a long way. If there is too much fertilizer, it can burn the roots and even kill the plant. This is particularly important because the different brands of fertilizers on the market differ in intensity. Thus, you should follow the instructions on the package.
11. The amount of fertilizer you give your plant is influenced by the season. While the more mature plants benefit from a lighter feed every few weeks, in winter it is better not to feed them, except for those who are blooming during this period. Most decorative plants, grown as houseplants, enter a period of low growth during the colder months, and if you add more fertilizer, you will change their natural habits of growth. You should be careful to fertilize new plants purchased from the florist. They do not need fertilizer within the first six weeks of purchase – in fact, feeding these plants can damage them.
12. Commerce fertilizers have always written on the packaging the proportions of nutrients they contain. You will find nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potassium carbonate in there, indicated by the report figures.
13. In your desire to help plants grow, you can exaggerate their fertilization. You should not assume that any plant that seems dry will do well with a dose of fertilizer. The plant is more likely to get dry because it does not have enough light, it has too much or too little water, the atmosphere is too dry, or the soil quality in the pot is weak.
14. The most important thing to remember about fertilizers is to not suffocate your plants with it.