When the plants are growing, they need fertilizer for maintaining their optimal health. Even if there are no general rules for fertilizing, there are some guidelines you need to know. There are different plants with different needs. Thus, it’s a good thing to control and prevent over-fertilization, which is detrimental in houseplants.
Over Fertilization
Sometimes too much fertilizer is cause for concern. It can be detrimental to your houseplants. Over-fertilization can actually influence negatively the growth of your plants. Also, they would get weaker and more vulnerable to pests and diseases. It can also lead to the ultimate demise of the plant.
The most obvious signs of over-fertilization include stunted growth, burned or dried leaf margins, wilting and collapse or death of plants. There also might be some signs of yellowing of the leaves.
Salt buildup, which accumulates on top of the soil, can also be a result of too much fertilizer. This is making it harder for plants to take up water. To control this, simply place the plant in the sink and thoroughly flush it out with water. Remember to allow the plant to drain well in between watering intervals.
Fertilizing only during periods of active growth and cutting the dosage will make it easier to avoid using too much fertilizer on your houseplants.
Control and prevent over fertilization in houseplants
Most houseplants benefit from regular fertilizing during active growth. All houseplants require fertilizer that contains nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). however, using houseplant fertilizer in the liquid form usually makes this task easier when watering plants.
Moreover, to prevent over-fertilization, it’s usually better to cut the recommended dosage on the label. Flowering plants usually require more fertilizer than others but in small amounts. This should be done prior to blooming while the buds are still forming. Also, plants in low light will require less fertilizing than those with brighter light.
Proper fertilization of houseplants
Since the fertilizer requirements vary, it can sometimes be difficult to know when or how to fertilize plants. Generally, houseplants need to be fertilized monthly during spring and summer.
Since dormant plants do not require fertilizer, you should begin to decrease the frequency and amount of fertilizer to only a couple applications once growth slows down during fall and winter. Make sure the soil is relatively moist when applying houseplant fertilizer. In fact, adding fertilizer when watering is better.