How To Transplant Your Orchid To A Bigger Pot

Because orchids grow their roots constantly, due to their well-drained soil, they actually become more delicate. This means they need repotting and that is quite difficult. You don’t want to ruin your orchid. Furthermore, you might notice that your orchid suffers from different conditions. That’s happening because they are long overdue and they need repotting immediately. Thus, it’s time to get a bigger pot to give your orchid a new home. Learn all the instructions you need to know how to transplant your orchid down below.

Imagine that about once a year, orchids get a lot of benefits from a bigger pot and fresh potting materials. You may find that your orchid has outgrown its container, leaving roots dangling over the edges. Other times, the potting materials break down, becoming soggy and drain poorly. And this is a serious problem that can lead to root rot. Hence, check out these instructions when you need to transplant your orchid:

1. Place newspapers over your work area and gently dump the contents of the original pot onto the newspapers. If tapping the sides fails to dislodge the roots, loosen them from the interior of the pot with a disinfected kitchen knife. Gently squeezing the sides of plastic pots can also help loosen the roots.

2. Trim away dead, mushy, light brown parts of the roots with disinfected scissors. The brown parts means are damaged and will not grow anymore. Leave healthy roots, which are white with pale green tips.

3. Cut off leafless stems at the base of the plant. Because they are swollen, that means they are old and will not support new shoots or leaves. If you have several healthy, leafy growths leftover, you can cut through the rhizome to divide and propagate the orchid. Leave at least three pseudobulbs and one new leafy lead per section to ensure growth and flowering from each.

4. Wash the new pot and let it soak for 30 minutes in a solution of 10 percent chlorine. The pot should be about 1 to 2 inches bigger than the previous pot to support 1 to 2 years of growth. It should also have holes in the bottom and slits in the sides to allow ample drainage.

5. Place the fresh potting materials, such as a mix of fir tree bark, sphagnum moss, and perlite, in a pot of boiling water and let them cool before draining. This disinfects and dampens them before planting. Gently squeeze the materials dry so they are damp rather than soggy.

6. Place a small portion of the damp potting mixture in the bottom of the new pot, covering the bottom. This will prevent the orchid roots from touching the bottom of the pot.

7. Place the orchid in the new pot, followed by the remainder of the damp potting mixture. Gently pack the potting material around the roots, leaving the top of the rhizome even with the top of the bark.

8. Water the orchid to settle the roots in the potting material. Michigan State University Extension says to not let water seep into the bud of the orchid as this can lead to rot.

9. Keep your newly-potted orchid in a spot with light shade, misting twice a day. Once the roots have settled into the potting mixture, move the orchid to a brighter spot that will become its permanent home.

Here you have them, the step-by-step instructions so you can transplant your orchid effectively, without damaging the plant. Now you can both enjoy a great environment and your orchid can thrive!


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