Orchid Leaves are Drooping? Learn How to Water Your Plant Properly

I know you might be scared to see drooping orchid leaves, it is quite a common issue. However, it does not always indicate that there is a problem with a plant. For instance, the older leaves of some orchids droop when new leaves emerge. However, when a plant suffers from either dry soil or too much water, drooping leaves are often one of the first symptoms. Thus, make sure to check out these tips you need to know to prevent drooping orchid leaves by properly watering it.

1. Not enough water

Yes, that’s right, when plants don’t receive enough water, their leaves begin to droop. Hence, the edges will curl and the leaves will turn yellow. This is quite a normal defense mechanism when it comes to orchids. So you can better understand it, shedding leaves sometimes help a plant get rid of a surface area that would lose water to the atmosphere. However, in serious cases, such as indoor orchids, soil tightens away from the sides of the pot. Thus, this means that the water runs through the space between the dried-out soil and the pot instead of wetting the root zone. as you can figure, this damages the roots, which makes them less capable of taking in water.

2. In contrary, overwatering is worse

Because orchids are very sensitive plants, overwatering is worse than not enough water. It’s easy to want to increase watering to remedy droopy leaves. However, overwatering a plant can cause rotten roots and prevent oxygen from reaching them. That way, the roots are dying little by little and the leaves start to droop as they die. You might think that your plant isn’t getting enough water. However, in this case, the reason for the drooping leaves is that too much water has smothered the roots.

3. Hence, the big question: When should you water and how much?

Now, to prevent drooping leaves, you need to check your plant’s soil frequently for dryness. Thus, plunge your finger 1 inch into the soil. If you notice that the soil is dry there, it’s time to water.

Furthermore, your watering schedule depends on the type of orchid you have and its environment. Thus, orchids with thin, soft leaves typically need more water. In the case of thick, waxy leaves, the orchids need more water retention.

Moreover, if your plant goes dormant in winter, that means that it produces no new growths. This leads you to less watering. For outdoor plants, this often means ceasing watering altogether in winter, as natural rainfall takes care of the watering for you.

4. Here are some proper watering techniques you should know:

In the case of drooping orchid leaves, you might be worried that your plants don’t receive enough water. However, stay calm and avoid the impulse to douse them with water every day. A technique, in this case, would be infrequently, thorough watering. This encourages roots to not grow near the soil’s surface, where evaporation is easier.

Thus, depending on the plant, this can mean anywhere from every five days to once a month during the growing season. Let the soil dry out slightly between waterings, so oxygen can reach the roots.

Orchid Leaves are Drooping Learn How to Water Your Plant Properly 2

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