The secret of vigorous plants, which flourish abundantly, is rich mineral nutrition. You don’t have to look for complicated solutions through florists. With some coffee grounds or egg shells, you can prepare your plants the best meal they ever had, whole natural and safe.
Egg shells
Plants need calcium to grow, especially to develop healthy and strong roots. In addition, calcium helps to retain potassium, an element that later contributes to the growth of new branches.
In pots: add 1 teaspoon of finely chopped eggshells to the ground whenever you plant a new flower.
In the garden: during autumn and winter, scatter egg shells among the layers of vegetables and flowers. In the spring, you will dig them along with the earth and feed the roots of the plants.
Coffee grounds
It’s an excellent fertilizer, but you must use it wisely and only for certain flowers. 2 to 3 teaspoons in early summer and autumn are enough for potted plants. Around the plants in the garden, larger amounts are added and dug with the earth.
In pots: only for plants that love acidic soils, such as azalea, camelia, gardenia, citrus, anthurium, gloxinii or African violets.
In the garden: It sits well with primates, hydrangeas, roses, melons and potatoes.
Coffee grounds are great to get rid of snails, and if it molds in the rainy days, it doesn’t damage the plants.
Apple vinegar
Add 1 teaspoon of apple vinegar in a liter of water when you wipe the Chinese rose or azalea. Use this solution once or twice a month only when you notice that plant leaves have lost their brightness.
In pots: use caution for woody plants and those that prefer acidic soil.
In the garden: one liter of vinegar solution is good at the root of roses and hydrangeas, once a month.
Image Credits: Sproutabl