Orchids are some of the most popular decorative plants. They are very resistant, they make many flowers with a pleasant coloration and don’t need any special care.
They must be kept in the light, but not in direct sunlight. They usually last a few months in the original pot, but by the end of the summer it’s good to move them.
When you have to replace the orchid pot?
The orchid is transplanted when the plant is no longer blooming and begins to expand, producing roots and new leaves. At this point, the orchid needs more space and a new soil with more nutrients.
It’s important for the orchid to be transplanted on a cool day, not on the heat day, because its roots dry out quickly, dehydrated.
The orchid pot must be changed immediately when you notice that the roots of the plant began to rot. Also, if the plant hasn’t got enough space in the original pot, and the roots get out, then you have to move it quickly in a larger pot.
What type of soil you should use
Ideally it would be to use bark from a specialized seller, and not the usual soil from florists. The bark helps to drain water better and maintains the roots of the plant more airy.
The orchid should be moved to the new pot when it’s well dried. You have to do this procedure with delicacy, because some roots may be well caught, risking for you to break them. You can water the roots a bit to separate them safely, without breaking the root.
Be careful about how the roots look. Remove the dried or rotten ones. Healthy roots should be gray-green, glossy, without spots, and the ends should be green.
Take advantage of this opportunity to control the entire plant by the possible parasites or the black spots on the leaves. Put the new bark pieces on the bottom of the pot and place the orchid, filling the empty spaces between the roots. Don’t bury in bark the whole orchid’s base. To support the orchid, put a rod (you may improvise something) to help the orchid and keep it in the previous position.
Image Credits: Gardeningknowhow