How To Rescue Overwatered Indoor Plants?

You watered a potted plant too much? You may have to save it from drowning, otherwise its roots can rot and eventually the plant will die.

The first signs that tell you overwatered indoor plants:

– fungi will appear to the surface soil (some white spots, like a fluff)
– the plant will smell like mold
– the leaves turn yellow and soon will fall

How to save an overwatered potted plant?

1. When you have watered too much a plant you have to change the pot and soil.

2. Make sure the new pot has drain holes. Wash it well and disinfect it to make sure it’s not infested with bacteria that can attack the plant.

3. Remove the plant carefully from the old pot and remove the earth from the root’s plant. If it’s small, wash the root lightly under a cold water jet. Using kitchen absorbent wipes, gently wipe the plant’s roots to absorb water and leave the roots in fresh air for 5-10 minutes.

4. Fill the new pot with dry earth. Add the plant and cover the roots with soil. Don’t water the plant for 2 days.
Don’t expect the plant to be “joyful” overnight. Most plants need a few days to recover from overwatering.
When you notice that the plant is back to life, you can add a little fertilizer specific to your plant’s type.

Image Credits: Gardening.stackexchange


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