Hydroculture is a simple way to grow some decorative plants in beautiful vases without soil. Discover the most important steps to grow indoor plants in water. Forget about soil!
The water tank is often used to multiply the plants by cuttings, but it can also be a permanent solution, suitable for minimalist décor. Choose a transparent pot that gives the plant’s roots access to as much light as they need. To avoid hydroculture problems, follow these correct steps.
Choosing the plants
Bamboo is one of the most frequently grown plants in water, but a beautiful pot can host many other plants. The easiest to grow plants in water are aromatic plants, especially mint, oregano, basil and rosemary. If you want a big plant, opt for ivy, filodendron or coleus (nettle).
Cut the plants properly
The cutting process is very important and the safest way to make sure the plant grows is to cut a twig right under a leaf. You can then place the plant in the decorative bowl you have chosen for hydroculture.
Balance the needs of plants with design solutions
If you prefer a simple transparent pot of water, your plants will not grow much without special support. But you can add in the pot pebbles, glass balls or other decorative objects that will better support the roots of the plant and allow it to grow beautiful.
Maintain stable the water level
Unlike cut vase flowers, that are dead, the living plant that forms roots won’t dirt the water. However, it’s important to maintain stable the water level by adding fresh water once every two weeks or once a month.
Use only spring water, but it has to be groundwater because it offers important minerals to the plant.
Change the water every year
After about a year, you can completely change the water in your aquarium plant. You can cut the roots if they are too extended, but do not expect the aromatic plants to live in water as much as they live in the soil. Basil usually lasts for at least about a year, while rosemary, with a lighter root, can last for over 5 years in a water vase.
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