If you notice a silky-smooth white or yellowish powder on the leaves of your plants, it’s caused by a microscopic fungus infection. Also, the yellowish or brownish spots on the plant plants are also given by fungi.
In winter most of the potted plant’s soil gets moldy because they are kept in less ventilated and moist areas. Different types of fungi can attack apartment plants, but for all there you can find different solution to combat in shops.
These solutions, however, have strong chemical components that can kill some of the fragile or more demanding plants, such as Parma violets.
But, you can use a mild and 100% natural solution to get rid of fungi.
Oil and detergent
You need:
- 1 cup of sunflower oil
- 1 tablespoon of dish soap
- spray bottle
Mix the above solutions and pour them in the sprayer. Spray the mixture well over plant’s leaves and stems attacked by mold and fungi.
The detergent will kill any mold spore while the oil will leave a fatty film through which the fungi can no longer grow.
After a few days of use, clean the stems with a cotton pad soaked in warm water and leave the plant in light and heat to dry well. Then repeat the treatment after 2 days and whenever is necessary until the fungi will disappear and grow new and healthy leaves.
Tips to keep in mind when treating apartment plants
- If attacked by fungi, isolate diseased plants and keep them in a well-ventilated, warm and dry place. Fungi can’t stand dry air.
- Remove leaves and shoots badly affected, which can’t be recovered.
- Put the pots on a well-lit window, because the fungi can’t stand light.
Image Credits: Shiftingroots