Spring is the flower season and many women receive a lot of flower bouquets. But only a few women, including me, would try to grow roses by cuttings. Most of the times, this operation is a complete failure, but due to the following exquisite solution, you will be able to propagate even the most demanding roses by cuttings.
And here is what you need to know to grow roses by cuttings.
You need:
- 1 teaspoon of honey
- 2 teaspoons of aloe vera juice(1 leaf of aloe vera)
- 1 teaspoon of wood ash
Keep the aloe vera leaf in the refrigerator for 24 hours before this procedure.
Extract the juice from the aloe vera leaf and mix it with honey and the wood ash. Put all the mixture in a glass and fill half of it with stagnant water.
Put the cuttings in this solution and leave them to stay there for half a day (each of them must have 2-3 vivid buds).
If the cutting is weak, then it has to stay longer in this solution. After that, plant the cuttings in a humus-rich substrate.
Then cover the cuttings with plastic bags, bottles or jars.
Place the pot in a warm place, and from time to time, uncover the cuttings to take a breath of fresh air, without removing the plastic bag, bottle or jar.
Sooner or later the cutting so planted will bloom and give the long-awaited flowers!