Repotting orchids is a very important process. Usually the idea of moving the plant to another pot occurs when the root system becomes too large for the pot. Most orchid lovers buy a bigger pot and move the flower into it.
But I tried something different: why growing orchids in that ordinary plastic pot when you can repot it in other unconventional ways.
Here’s a selection of fresh and unusual ideas for creating great orchid ornaments!
1. Glass pot
Experienced florists recommend repotting orchids in glass pots provided they have a lot of holes – the more the better. Under these conditions, the plant can grow exactly the same as in plastic pots.
A glass pot without holes or only with a single hole can only be used for the growth of Vanda, Ascocenda and Phalaenopsis orchids. In this case, the plants are moved without a substrate.
2. Wooden element
If you want to move the orchid from plastic pots into a wooden element, keep in mind that this can only be done in the spring (you should hurry), when the root system of the flower is in the active growth phase.
It should also be noted that if you move the flower to a wooden element, its roots will dry out very quickly, so you will need to moisten them daily.
3. Moving more flowers into one pot
These ornaments simply look gorgeous! But this artifice requires a few important remarks. In a common pot, the roots of the flowers intertwine with each other, and the diseases are sent from one flower to another.
So if you still want a rich orchid ornament in the house, the best solution would be to put them in the pot along with their small pot, so the root systems will remain independent.
4. Bamboo pots
This orchid growth option involves the frequent watering of flowers, since the substrate and moss in such a container tend to dry quickly.
5. Plant ladder
Putting houseplants on the window sill it’s too common. Nowadays, all sorts of additional decoration objects that serve as a pot support are very popular.
6. Net pot containers
The lack of substrate for orchids is a risky option, but it’s very interesting at the same time. Under these conditions the orchid will not only have to be sprinkled often, but also fertilized with the substances the plant needs to survive and flourish.
7. Decorative twigs
The ensemble of orchids and branches of various shapes forms a magical ornament. Here are a few things to note: the roots of orchids should be wrapped in moss and sprinkled at least twice a day.