Is not very hard to care for a live Christmas tree, but it requires some special steps in order not to whiter and die. So, to avoid a messy and full of pine needles after-Christmas, I choose a live potted Christmas tree to decorate this year. They are smaller and more sustainable alternatives to cut trees, even if they require extra care to stay alive until 25th of December.
If you consider choosing a potted Christmas tree this year, you should hurry because holidays are on the horizon.
Why choosing a potted Christmas tree?
Well, they are easier to decorate and you won’t have to deal with the after-Christmas mess. Moreover, you can easily plant them in the garden when the season is over or simply, grow one in pots and reuse the tree next year. So, if you intend to choose a potted tree opt for one that indigenous to your region so it can thrive throughout the entire year.
Steps and advice to care for a potted Christmas Tree:
- You should bring your potted Christmas tree indoors as late as possible. The weekend before Christmas is ideal, and it’s advisable not to keep living trees in the house any longer than 7-10 days.
- As with most houseplants, it’s the watering that’s the thing. Too much and your potted tree will die of ‘trench foot’, too little and the leaves will turn brown and fall. Always check that the container has good drainage and some sort of saucer underneath to catch any excess water.
- Avoid placing your tree close to a fire or radiator – this will cause excessive moisture loss and needle drop.
- It’s best to check the soil every day to make sure it’s not drying out.
- That is the main downside of container trees, the roots of all trees are pretty ferocious and the taller the tree the more roots are needed to keep the water supply going. Be careful: every tree that’s taller than 3-5 feet won’t last longer in pots and would be harder to handle.