How To Water Norfolk Pine Trees In Pots

Norfolk Pines are big and beautiful trees native to the Pacific Islands which makes them the most-wanted evergreen houseplants. Christians often choose growing such plant to decorate it during the winter holidays instead of a living Christmas tree. In order to prevent this evergreen potted plant from dying, you have to respect the watering schedule.

Keep In Mind: Norfolk pines are not cold hardy. They are a tropical plant and cannot tolerate temperatures below 35 F. For many parts of the country, the Norfolk Island pine tree cannot be planted outside year round. It also needs to be kept away from cold drafts.

Given the fact that are tropical plants, the Norfolk pines require a high humidity. So, pay careful attention during the cold season when indoor humidity falls considerably. Just use a pebble tray with water or mist the tree weekly in order for it to thrive.

Watering The Norfolk Pine Tree


In order to avoid salt or chemical buildup in the soil, always use distilled or rain water when watering Norfolk Island Pine.

You Need:

  • Drainage tray
  • Small pebbles
  • Distilled water
  • Spray bottle

1. Put in the drainage tray a small layer of pebbles. It’s important to use a tray that is large enough for the Norfolk Pine’s pot.

2. Now, set the pot onto the pebbles in the tray and drizzle some distilled water around the base of the tree until the pebbles are submerged. Tip the tray to pour out the excess water.

3. Water the pine again if the top of the soil if 2 inches dry. Keep your eye on the plant throughout the entire year to provide it with water. Being a tropical plant without a dormant period it will need constant watering.

4. During summer, don’t increase the water amount. Just move the plant into a cooler and shadier place.

5. Don’t forget to mist the Norfolk Island Pine every time you water it using a spray bottle filled with distilled water. Spray all over the foliage and the trunk until the water drips off. Mist it at least four times a week during summer.

6. Discard the water in the drainage tray if it does not evaporate in one to two days.


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