Hanging baskets with full of beautiful flowers definitely provide a special, attractive look to your garden. Choosing the best flowers for hanging basket is not an easy job.
Take a look at these 8 flowers that will work wonderfully in hanging baskets. You might just find something that works for you!
#Million Bells
– The Million Bells plant is perfect for your hanging basket needs. The stalks branch out from the root source and the flowers hang elegantly with upturned petals.
– The flower-encrusted, cascading branches of scaevola make it an ideal choice for window boxes, hanging baskets, or tall containers where it’s trailing form can flow over the container’s edge.
– The shape of lobelia makes it an excellent container plant. Depending on the variety it can make a mounding border, or it can spill and trail over the edges. The trailing varieties are especially ideal for window boxes and hanging baskets.
– If you want impressively big basket displays, trailing begonias are the way forward. Whether you prefer the big blowsy blooms of double-flowered varieties, or the elegant single-ones, they provide masses of colorful flowers that cascade wonderfully from any container, be it a basket, patio pot or window box.
– Fuchsia baskets are a popular hanging basket in yards around the world during the late spring and summer.
With their two-toned colors and variety of plant forms, there are sure to be options that suit everyone’s needs.
– Nasturtium is a genus of seven plant species that comes from the cabbage family – and it has been singled out as being ideal options for those who are looking for something to populate hanging baskets with.
#Winter Pansy
– Winter pansies are one of the most popular flowers for hanging baskets around and that is at least partially because of their hardy nature and ability to thrive in a number of conditions. Some of the brighter varieties in white, red, yellow and primrose actually darken in color during the winter months.
#Geranium Rozanne
– This plant is one of the easiest perennial flowers to enjoy, and one of the most beautiful specimens to be seen hanging in a basket. Those new to gardening and experts alike marvel at Rozanne’s incredibly long blooming season, pest resistance, drought tolerance, and general tendency to flourish in a wide variety of conditions.